STW perspectief William Hunter revisited gehonoreerd!

Very proud to be part of the consortium that was granted a STW perspective program. The topic is William Hunter Revisited: Activating intrinsic cartilage repair to restore joint homeostasis

Programmaleider: Prof.dr. H.B.J. Karperien, Universiteit Twente
Deelnemers: AMC Amsterdam, ArthroSave, BioVolt, Erasmus MC, Hy2Care, IBIS Technologies, InGell Labs, LifeTec Group, Maastricht UMC+, Percuros, QVQ Holding, Radboudumc, Reumafonds, SSens, TETEC, UMC Utrecht, Universiteit Twente, Universiteit Utrecht, Waters, Zimmer Biomet
Together with Maastricht UMC+, Waters and Zimemr Biomet Gabrielle in her affiliation with AMC Amsterdam and Zuyd University of Applied Sciences will take part in project 6 which aims patientprofiling by point of care analysis of local tissues. hi_william-hunter

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