Collaborative design
View my design approach and explore the exciting collaborative projects on joint engineering via the 'Projects' section. and the 'Collaborations' section.
View my design approach and explore the exciting collaborative projects on joint engineering via the 'Projects' section. and the 'Collaborations' section.
As much as I enjoy to broaden my knowledge and experience, I desire to share it via many courses focused on the design of medical devices. Please check out 'Projects - Education' section.
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Scoliosis is a deformation of the spine that affects 2-5% of teenagers. When severe, the spine is fixed with rods, which limits trunk motion. The aim is to correct the scoliosis without limits. As basis, we use our pre-existing implant that already allows for growth and motion. This implant is made smart by integrating a […]
I had the honour to give a lecture in theme ‘In de huid van de dokter’ for 30 primary school kids where I epxlained the diagnosis and treatment of wrist fractures and how we improve the treatment with 3D technology. More info: Pre-uni junior Experimentia
From 1 January, seven new University of Twente CEE-Teaching & Learning Fellows have been appointed for two years, including me :). The theme for this cohort’s T&L Fellowship is Building Inclusive Communities. The goal of the Teaching & Learning Fellows program is to ascertain that staff is stimulated to pioneer in educational R&D activities that can […]
Duim omhoog voor innovatief hand-exoskelet. Het hand-exoskelet helpt mensen die hun hand niet goed kunnen gebruiken bij het vastpakken en loslaten van voorwerpen en om de functie van de hand te herstellen. De partners in het project Thumbs up! hebben met succes een aanvraag ingediend voor de regeling ”Innovatieprojecten” van Europees Fonds voor Regionale Ontwikkeling […]
De Netherlands Academy of Engineering gaat van start met mij als een van 62 fellows. We zijn op 13 November geïnstalleerd op een prachtige locatie met hoog bezoek. More info: