Vision Quest Natural Leadership program
Gabrielle ahs participated in one of the natural leadership programs. Please see a short note on her experience here.
Gabrielle ahs participated in one of the natural leadership programs. Please see a short note on her experience here.
Geachte heer, mevrouw, Wij nodigen u van harte uit voor de inauguratie van Gabriëlle Tuijthof, lector Smart Devices, op vrijdag 20 januari 2017. We stellen het op prijs als u zich voor 1 januari 2017 aanstaande aanmeldt via Programma 13:30–13:55u: Ontvangst 13:55–14:00u: Welkom door Bert Schroën, directeur Faculteit Bèta Sciences & Technology 14:00–14:15u: ‘De mens […]
We hebben er zin in! laat de nieuwe studenten maar komen. Het docententeam is er klaar voor!
As from August 1st Gabrielle joined the ACES team as coordinator and research manager for one day a week. ACES is a Dutch center for evidence based sports medicine. It is a unique collaboration of medical specialists of the Academic Medical Center (AMC) Amsterdam, The Sports Physician Group, associated researchers and medical professionals. Please read […]
With lots of proud we can tell you that our team member Tim Horeman won the Prins Friso Award. Princess Beatrix and Princess Mabel were attending the ceremony when Tim became ‘Ingenieur van het jaar’ (Engineer of the year). Please also watch this episode of BlauwBloed from 18:23.