Hilgersom N.F.J., Viveen J., Tuijthof G.J.M., Bleys R.L.A.W., van den Bekerom M.P.J., Eygendaal D., Elbow Study Collaborative, Arthroscopic localization of the ulnar nerve behind the medial capsule is unreliable, JSES International 2020, 4:1031-1036
Hilgersom N.F.J., Viveen J., Tuijthof G.J.M., Bleys R.L.A.W., van den Bekerom M.P.J., Eygendaal D., Elbow Study Collaborative, Arthroscopic localization of the ulnar nerve behind the medial capsule is unreliable, JSES International 2020, 4:1031-1036