Several research projects are performed. For more information and regular updates about the projects, please click on a picture or check out ‘Projects’ section on top.
Joint Engineering A
Independent living and mobility is becoming a key condition for quality of life. Not only to keep healthcare systems affordable, but also to allow active social participation. Even though the musculoskeletal system is capable of fascinating complex actions, analogous to other systems it can break down. As dysfunction, wear or trauma of the musculoskeletal system cannot be prevented 100%, orthopaedic healthcare is crucial in maintaining quality of life. We contribute to this field by focusing on minimally invasive diagnosis and intervention of human joints (arthroscopy). By developing technical solutions that form a ‘perfect’ synergy with the capabilities of the clinician the visibility, manoeuvrability, accuracy and reliability of intervention actions in human joints are optimized.
Joint Engineering B
The backbone of the research consists of inventing, designing, manufacturing and evaluating new medical devices to stimulate innovation. As the biomedical field is highly multidisciplinary, I approach all projects by joining typical scientific methods to quantify phenomena (e.g. tissue properties) and objectively evaluate designs and prototypes; and by co-developing design engineering methods to address the specific characteristics of the clinical environment adequately (e.g. sterility). As a result, I have gained a broad spectrum of knowledge and expertise ranging from pure surgical to pure engineering, which makes me capable to run a project from an initial idea to a scientifically validated prototype.
Joint Engineering C
Finally, I am open to join forces at any time for cool projects, since I believe that collaboration with people from various backgrounds will lead to high quality products that truly contribute to innovation in healthcare.